What's The Point?

By Chrystal Avery
I was sitting at work, doing what I always do. If you have ever worked in the Service and Construction industry, you know it never changes, but it is constantly changing. There are always new service calls, there are always new issues on the job, but the work is always there and you pretty much see and handle the same issues on a day to day basis. 

That day - I was almost feeling sorry for myself. I had been in a pretty low place in my life. Honestly, probably the lowest I have ever been. I literally saw everything in my life as negative. My marriage wasn’t perfect, my kids were struggling with certain things, I questioned my abilities as a mother, I wasn’t happy with my position at work, I wanted more for myself but I knew I had put myself in a position where I couldn’t rise up for anything more. I had been downright depressed so much to the point I wanted to go see a doctor for some help. I needed help. I was questioning my faith, questioning who I am, questioning my life. I kept thinking Why God? Why can’t you help me fix this situation, fix these feelings, fix me? What was the purpose of all of this? What in the world is my purpose? 

Yeah, I might show up to church and help with the children’s department, but I mean, I handle young infants up to toddlers. They don’t really care about my purpose here. They don’t care if I show up or not. What kind of purpose is that? I mean honestly, what is the point?  

I was in a low spot in my life. It was probably the lowest I have ever been. Most of you don’t know, most of you would have never known if I hadn’t told you. I would cry on the way to work, I would cry on the way to get the kids, I would have a mental breakdown and not tell a soul. I am strong. I have been through sexual abuse. I have been through my parents’ divorce. I have been through being bullied. I've lost a parent. I have been through my very own children fighting for their lives in the NICU while I sat there feeling like I failed them when they needed me most. I’m strong, right? I can handle this. I don’t need anyone. 

I would look at social media for approval. Well, if I’m keeping up with the Kardashians, I must be hip and happening, right? I wanted to post the perfect pictures of my beautiful girls; I wanted my life to look so glorious and glamorous. I was looking for approval from others because surely that would make me feel better and I could overcome this low point. Like this must be the point in life, right? This is why I’m here is for everyone to love me and everyone to think I’m so awesome! Meanwhile, I was still in a low place, I wasn’t feeling anyone’s approval and honestly felt so much negativity from most everyone in my life. 

I wasn’t focusing on the most important relationship in my life with Christ our Savior. OUR SAVIOR!!! Literally, the One who shed His blood for me, the One who loves me unconditionally. He gave without question. I was focused on my own strength, feeling sorry for myself, and trying to pull myself out of this dark place. 

I want to discuss the story of Jesus and Peter. They’re having this conversation and He tells the disciples that He is going somewhere that they are not going to be able to go. He gives them a new command to love one another. He tells them that they cannot follow Him where he is going. Peter is concerned; What do you mean I cannot follow you? I would lay my life down for you? He was totally on fire for God. Jesus goes on to tell Peter that he is actually going to deny Him 3 times before the rooster crows. Of course, Peter doesn’t understand. How could he deny Him 3 times before sunrise? 

Later that night they are praying in the garden a group of men arrive with the purpose of arresting Jesus. Peter walks out and cuts a man’s ear off with a sword. Just to prove his love for Jesus. It doesn’t seem like there is going to be any denying Jesus in Peter’s eyes. He continues to follow Jesus as he gets arrested. 

Peter needed to warm up by the fire. Peter was cold. Has that ever happened to you? Have you ever gotten cold and in a low place? You are hurting and feeling alone. You start to deny Jesus. Ever stood up so boldly and fought for Jesus, then faced hard times which pushed you into a state of denial? This is what happened with Peter. He then went on to deny Jesus 3 times before the rooster crowed just as Jesus said he would.

Jesus ended up giving his own life. He died on that cross for me and for you. The bible goes on to discuss Peter; he turned back to his old ways as a fisherman. This is what we as humans do. We try to go back to what we know best – looking to the approval on social media, try to go back to the parties, try to go back to what makes us feel good. But just like Peter who basically caught nothing, these won’t give you anything. Jesus makes His return to Peter. JESUS CAME BACK TO PETER. After Peter denies him three times, Jesus still comes back. That is huge!! 

 John 21:15- 19 15 When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” “Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.” 16 Again Jesus said, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” He answered, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Take care of my sheep.” 17 The third time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?” He said, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my sheep. 18 Very truly I tell you, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted, but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.” 19 Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death by which Peter would glorify God. Then he said to him, “Follow me!”

It wasn’t Peter asking Jesus. It was Jesus asking Peter “Do you love me?” Peter knew he loved him, he knew the guy who died on the cross, rose from the grave and came back to cook him breakfast loved him. Peter is me; Peter is you; Peter is all of us. He was failing at being a disciple, failing at being a fisherman, going back to his own ways after Jesus was arrested, he was feeling awful and sorry for himself. I have been living as Peter. I have basically disowned Jesus because I was so caught up in what I thought I needed and what was best for me. The truth is, Peter needed Jesus. He knew it all too well after stumbling and failing Him. Jesus asked Peter to feed His lambs, care for his sheep, be a pastor, be a shepherd, faithfully serve Christ through the church. He ended it with “Follow me!” -- 

That’s what got me thinking. That is my purpose, that is the point. Not just for me, not just for you, but for each and every one of us. Our purpose, our point here is to Follow him and to spread love like Jesus would have us to do. Even though my calling might be in the nursery with infants and toddlers, I know that my purpose and my point is to show up and love on those children like Jesus would. Our purpose and the point is to go out on the streets and spread love to those less fortunate, to remind them that there is someone bigger than me, someone bigger than you, someone bigger than all of us. We need to quit looking at social media for approval like I was and turn to those physically next to you and show them more love than you do your phone or your electronics. That is the point. 

The bible talks about love… 

“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” 1 Peter 4:8 

 “Love each other as I have loved you.” John 15:12 

“And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians 13:13 

I will leave you with this: Jesus loves you and just wants your love in return. He says to love the Lord with all your heart, mind, and soul. He also tells us to love thy neighbor as you do yourself. Sometimes, we may fail like Peter, we may stumble and fall. We have to remember that Jesus is reaching out to us to pick us up, dust us off, put us back on our feet. We just have to do as He says and, “Follow him.” 

By Chrystal Avery

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks, Chrystal. I needed this. Gotta love God's timing.