Don't Jump part 3

We have been learning the do's and don't s of discipling other believers. In this post I want to help you learn the "don't jump ship" principle.

When helping others it's easy to get discouraged and quit. We look at others through human eyes and fail to see what God is doing in that person. We look for natural manifestations like running to the altar or crying or carrying their Bible. It's great when we see an outward sign of what God is doing on the inside. But just because you don't see it, doesn't mean that God is not at work; it doesn't mean that your words aren't getting through.

Which is why we must rely on prayer and the leading of the Holy Spirit. Yes, there may be times when God instructs you to leave someone alone, it has happened to me. I have been told by God to let someone go and it is not an easy feeling, but then again it's not my call, it's His. We must rely on His leading and unless He is leading you away, then stay on track, don't give up, don't quit.

If there were ever someone who deserved to be abandoned it was Peter. He messed up for sure, and yet when people didn't give him much hope, Jesus wouldn't quit. Peter is an example of what is around you; And what is around you? People are around you, people who are not yet what they will become.

If you don't jump ship; if you don't give up, you give hope for those struggling to become like Jesus.

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