You Can't Deliver If You Ain't Got The Goods

There's too much talk in the Christian community. Don't get me wrong, words do matter. The truth must be spoken, but if we really believe what we say we believe, then we will live and act accordingly. The way you live is more important than what you say.

As Christians we make declarations about our faith daily. Do our declarations match our lives? Do we say Jesus brings peace and yet live a life of turmoil? Do we speak of joy and yet act grumpy and miserable? Do we say Jesus sets people free and yet live addicted. When our lives don't match our words then our words have no power.

God has called us to deliver His message of hope to the world, but we can't deliver if we ain't got the goods. People do not want to hear our message if that same message isn't at work in us. I believe the lack of interest in church today is caused by Christians who acknowledge Jesus with their lips but deny Him with their lifestyle. 

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