God is speaking. Are you listening?

God is speaking. Are you listening? You should be. God's words are positive and powerful, exactly what we need. God wants to speak to us, and He has much to say. He speaks words of encouragement and love to us. He speaks words of direction and wisdom to us. He speaks words of correction and instruction to us. He speaks healing and deliverance to us. God is speaking but much of the time we can't hear Him because we're too hurried or too worried.

In this fast paced life we live, it seems there is never a moment to stop and just listen. Life keeps us busy from dawn to dusk, consumed with the to-do list. While we feel like we're making progress we often exchange the power of God speaking into our lives for the pleasure of a completed list. We exchange a changed life for a busy life. God is speaking to us but we don't hear very well when we fly through the day at break neck speed. Being too busy to stop and just listen is like stuffing cotton in one of your ears - you're just not going to hear clearly.

Being consumed with worry is like stuffing cotton in the other ear. We're all familiar with the physical and emotional hazards of stress and yet the most dangerous thing worry does is keep you from connecting with God. God lives in the land of faith where worry is not welcome. He speaks words of faith; words that worry cannot receive. God is speaking but if your mind is stressed you won't hear what He has to say.

What a shame! The creator of Heaven and Earth wants to speak the miraculous into our lives but our ears are full of cotton. His words of healing muffled out by the next item on the list. His words of direction drowned out by the noise of our worries. Stop what you're doing and take the time to listen. Don't talk, just listen. Put your cares in His hands and listen for His voice. He created the Heavens and the Earth with His words, I wonder what He wants to speak into your life.

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